Family Friday

John Wright 1856 - 1942
Ida Wright 1855 - 1885

I hope I didn't blab too much, I guess I was in a strange mood. I find that these Board meetings are a good lesson in humility. Every Board meeting I do something stupid, forget to do something and say something not relevant to the conversation. It humbles me. Gets me off kilter really. I guess I am still unbalanced.
Unfortunately the only alternative school in my area is a Montessori school which takes children up to Senior Kindergarten, Lina is in Grade 2 this year. The good news is that switching schools seems to have been a good thing so far. The teacher she has moved to this school from Lina's old school along with the Principal, so Lina knows her. That fact and the fact that Chloe, her best friend from accross the street, is in her class at school seem to have made the transition painless. Chloe, from what I can see, is a little more advanced in her skills. I worried about this at first but it seems to be a good thing. Two nights ago, Lina actually took her homework out herself and started working on it without waiting for 1) me to wipe off the table after dinner and 2) me to read the instructions to her.
Last night, Lina's homework consisted reading a short book and completing a story bubble; you know, the title goes in the middle, the plot, characters, conclusion, setting go in bubbles around the side. After completing her assignment, she wanted to write her own story. Together we made our own story bubble and then used it to write a pretty cool story about a cat that chases a mouse who eventually becomes his friend. I decided to concentrate on ensuring that she spelled the words correctly rather than worrying about all the backwards letters. She worked until 8:30pm; I was quite impressed and told her so. She is taking it to school today in the hopes she can read it to her class.
Right now I am trying to see how she functions with her work, we are using her homework as learning opportunities. I have already notified her teacher that she has difficulties and I guess I'll set up a meeting with her soon to see how she is doing in the classroom. I wish so much I had other options to consider. Homeschooling is the only option really around here. We do our work at night and on weekends after school. There are many people who work full time while homeschooling, unfortunately I do not have a good day care situation for her. She likes school right now anyway so I think this after school continual learning will continue.
Anyway, today is Inspiration Wednesday and I need to find some good links to get me back in the creative mode.I hope this is OK. I copied questions asked me by my secret pal here, just because they are so fun to think about.
From my Secret Pal:
"Hi Ria, Snoop away, I defy you to find me!
I’m actually kinda worried about dropping hints, so I’m going to be extra careful!
So, let the interrogation begin- Do you have a favorite color? A favorite art medium? A favorite TV show? Any strong dislikes?
Are you a super-duper hugmungous bag kind of person, or do you prefer a neatly organized, no more space than you need kind of tote? What do you need to put in it? A certain 6 year old’s tutus? Bike tires? Motorcycle carburetors? Beading supplies?
Do you like luxury? Simplicity? Moderninty (is that even a word?)? What’s your style? I noticed you’re a rather talented jack of all trades. Is there anything you haven't tried? Needle felting? macramé? Polymer clay? Do you want to tell me out right what you want to try, or shall I surprise you based on what I know so far?
I’m going to let it go at that for now, but I may pester you again soon. Rest assured, I am all consumed about what to make you, my poor children are sooo neglected! Isn’t this fun? :)"
Hmmmm… I love a good challenge.
Favourite Colours.
I am drawn to combinations. I like the creation of a mood or a feeling. I like being surprised by the accident of colours. I envy those who can walk around or work with a kaleidoscope of colours, however I tend to dress and find solace in earthy or jewel tones.
A Favorite medium.
If I new the answer to that one I could probably settle down and get to work earning a living with my creativity. I can’t figure it out. Every time I see some new thing I want to try it, usually after I try I, I get tempted by something else. Jack of all trades, master of none. However, I am always drawn back to beadwork, leatherwork, wirework, crochet and knitting.
A favourite TV show?
Well, hard to say. There is a hierarchy here. My 6 year old gets first dibs. Then comes everything involving two wheels and an engine. And finally if no one else is around and I can sneak in a few moments, I sometimes can find Crafters Coast to Coast, or something crafty like that to ogle over. When it used to be on, I’d hush the house and take control of the remote to watch Modern Masters ( which used to showcase amazing craftsman working on some of their amazing work. (I always secretly wanted to learn to weld, learn glassblowing, and become a weaver). Superficially speaking, my daughter and I never miss an episode of America’s Next Top Model.
A better question for me would be: What is your favourite magazine? “Piecework” It defines me. (It doesn’t define my skill – I wish! It defines what I love – the history, origin and uses of handwork.)
Any Strong Dislikes.
Hate to admit it but yah. Um, can’t stand country crafts. I prefer beauty and functionality. I’m not a fan of crafts that sit around and collect dust. I’m all for art and beauty, but not big on painted wood cuts and potato bins. That’s not a bad thing is it?
Bag size…
Hard to say. I have never found a purse yet that I’ll actually stay with. I tend to stick my debit card into my pocket and go. However. My van is full of bags and various rubber maid containers most of the time. I hate to leave home without a few things that I might just have time to work on. That includes paperwork for Guiding and magazines that I haven’t browsed for a while that might inspire me. Today I have a dollar store tote that has new wool and hooks to make a sweater or shawl for my daughter at the bottom amongst the tangles are several containers of beads waiting to be put back onto the bead shelf. I have two briefcase-kind-of-bags one that contain binders to review policies and programs for Brownies and the other which contains about 150 pages of ideas that I have been collecting from websites and blogs that need to be categorized and put into page protectors and into binders. I also have a road bike and a pair of rollerblades in the back of my van not to mention a gym bag with running shoes, towel etc to work out at the gym at lunch if I have the time. See, I can’t really answer that one. I am one of those people who look like I live in chaos but I know exactly where to find a piece of paper at a moments notice. (Just ask my husband!)
I’ve been wondering that one myself, however, the more I look back at my blog the more I notice that I tend towards simple clean lines and colours. However I am not above chaos that works. Checking out the links I provide on the Wednesdays that I post my Inspiration Links is probably a good hint of what attracts me. I’ve pointed out before how frumpy and “goody-two-shoes” I tend to be. I feel like an imposter riding around on a motorcycle especially some of the ones I get to try out as I can’t bring myself to speed (I mean that would just not be right – would it!) but when no one’s looking I’ll twist the throttle a bit, revel in the power and secretly wish I was downtown so I could admire myself in a store front window. Oooh what would I be if I only let that rebel in me loose?
What haven’t I tried.
Lots I guess, but probably more than most. I’ve never welded, but have tried blacksmithing when I was a child (my dad had a forge), I don’t own a floor loom but have worked with a table loom several times, I haven’t blown any glass vases, but I am pretty happy working with glass beads. I’ve tried woodcarving, wooden boxes, painted murals, painted floor cloths, I’ve painted with acrylics and water colours right now I fixated with pencil crayons. My favourite drawing mediums are pencil, charcoal and pen & ink. I have quilted but am more fascinated with appliqué. I have smocked, embroidered, done crewelwork, cross-stitched (but then didn’t everyone?). I love lace, am pretty comfortable with tatting, have knitted lace, not so comfortable with crocheted lace though.
In my craft room, I have stained-glass tools, various tools for wire-work, soldering guns, two sewing machines (one antique), an easel, (I just moved my drafting table down to my shed as it was taking up too much room and I haven’t been drawing much lately), a bookshelf crammed with magazines and binders, a smocking machine, an entire bookshelf devoted to beads, boxes of embroidery thread, a huge basket of yarn and miscellaneous knitting projects in progress, various paints, woodcarving tools, sweetgrass that has yet to be braided, wings and feathers from a partridge, leatherworking tools, an unfinished sock monkey and usually a Siamese cat named Fester.
I’m good with macramé (I was born in the 70s), have a collection of polymer clay, had tried my hand at scrapbooking, but I have to say I’m not really a big fan of that trend. (I studied Photography at University so I am loath to cut up a photograph and feel that other than the odd date and name it should pretty much speak for itself.) I have made candles and have a huge block of wax just waiting to be melted if I ever get around to doing it. I had a go at bookbinding this past year and absolutely loved it.
Of things I have never done but will probably get around to trying some day: I have never needle felted, never felted anything I have knit, never made felt. I have never spun or died my own wool, never owned sheep for that matter. Oooh but I have made my own butter when I was a kid – time consuming process – don’t think that is related but it did have to do with livestock. I have never made bobbin lace. I have never worked with a tambour, never made a tapestry. I have never done any silk screening or printing on fabric like everyone seems to be into. I have never learnt basket making techniques, although I have had a hand in re-caning a chair. I have never made any lampworked beads but I will some day.
But when it comes right down to it, I love surprises and although I’ve run off at the mouth (so to speak), I would love to see what you figure out about me. After all, you can see I am fascinated by just about anything that can be made by hand.
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