Inspiration Wednesday
Here are a few things I founf while surfing today that caught my eye. Damn! I am going to have to find the time to make one of those amigurumi dolls. They are so intriguing!
Here a couple of monkey friends I had to include in honour of LoobyLu's Month of Softies. Theses guys are found on this japanese site.

Amigurumi Monkeys
While looking up "handmade" on Japanese sites I found this blog which included what I think are zippered pouches. I love their simplicity and serenity.

Zipper Pouches
And again, on the same search I found these sweet embroidered wrist bands. I really like these.

Embroidered wristband
Here's a cute site called Pristine that I found today with lots of wonderfully simple baby items. These are wonderful eye soothers that I guess you heat somehow and then lie on the ground and put them over your eyes. At least that is what the lady in the photo was doing and I envied her so I guess they work well.

Stuffed eye soother
I've been eyeing pendants made using glass slides in the past couple of months and I was excited by these ones. There are a few more styles offered here.

Glass Pendants
Ususally I would name the site, however, although my laptop is equipped with Beta Japanese, I can search but translation is tricky sometimes.
Here a couple of monkey friends I had to include in honour of LoobyLu's Month of Softies. Theses guys are found on this japanese site.

Amigurumi Monkeys
While looking up "handmade" on Japanese sites I found this blog which included what I think are zippered pouches. I love their simplicity and serenity.

Zipper Pouches
And again, on the same search I found these sweet embroidered wrist bands. I really like these.

Embroidered wristband
Here's a cute site called Pristine that I found today with lots of wonderfully simple baby items. These are wonderful eye soothers that I guess you heat somehow and then lie on the ground and put them over your eyes. At least that is what the lady in the photo was doing and I envied her so I guess they work well.

Stuffed eye soother
I've been eyeing pendants made using glass slides in the past couple of months and I was excited by these ones. There are a few more styles offered here.

Glass Pendants
Ususally I would name the site, however, although my laptop is equipped with Beta Japanese, I can search but translation is tricky sometimes.
Here's the latest Nervousness update from Chellaigne. It sounds as though the server is at fault.
Nocster is still rebuilding and fixing the server. Unfortunately, we
can't move any of the stuff over to the new one while this one is
screwed up. We have a new hosting company all lined up and they are
just waiting in the wings for us to get this fixed.
We're sorry some of you are frusterated - we are too, but we haven't
thrown in the towel.
We will post more info in-depth in a few days - either James, Penny,
or I.
Check out the other board (black_rainbow's..?) it is a really nice
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