Today I searched out some free patterns for pincushions, just to get an idea of the mechanics of making some of these neat designs. I am sure there are many more out there, but these caught my eye.
These I love and I think I will be making these as gifts at some point. Pretty crochet flower pincushions. Find the pattern at
Granny's Garret
Crochet Pincushion
Here is a pattern for a Seminole Patchwork pincushion from Michaels.
This one is pretty cool because it is so packable. A flat pincushion - the pins are inserted in the sides and not pocked into the top. The directions are here at
Fiber Arts on the Plains.

Flat Pincushion
And finally here is a beautiful violet pincushion I found at
Violet Patch. This one is beautiful and I really think the tutorial is well done.

Violet Pincushion

Please, if you use these patterns, consider dropping by a word of thanks to the individuals for posting the patterns.
I didn't get anywhere on mine last night. As it turns out, I did plunk my butt onto my roadbike and peddled about 25-30km with my hubby and our friend Jody. My shoulder pain (fibro) has still not receded, so last night about half way into the ride I was pretty stiff and sore and had some difficulty with standing up to pull up some of those hills. Anyway, I made it home, proud I had gotten through it, but even after my very hot shower, I had little ability to do anything other than crawl onto the couch, with a warm blanket, and read a book. But, I haven't stopped "thinking" about pincushions, so when I actually sit down, you'd think it would be a breeze.