As the snow falls like gently falling rain, straight down with no wind to blow it about, and the sky begins to brighten from dull grey to early morning blue, I sit at my computer and ponder the road ahead.
Wow, poetic eh?
I'm at home today, working. Or at least I'll be working in a little bit. It's only 7:41am right now and I think I can afford a cup of tea before I launch into work mode.
Last night when I went to pick Lina up from after school care, I was taken aback by the care worker wishing me to have a good weekend. I thought I'd heard her wrong. It wasn't until Lina reinforced what she had said that it dawned on me that today was a professional development day for the teachers and Lina has the day off. See how much attention I have been paying lately? So, of course I hadn't made any sitting arrangements for Lina today. You know, its days like this that I really appreciate my job. Because when it comes down to it, I really depend on being able to stay home with Lina when I can, after all its one of the few ways I counter act my feelings of guilt for not being a stay-at-home mom. A rant for another time.
So, back to my poetic thoughts. I've stepped into February. It's the 3rd and I feel like I'm dipping my toes into chilly water. Don't quite want to get in but I know I'll get used to it once I'm there. I didn't make any resolutions this year. I just decided that I needed to breath this year; a new philosophy I guess. So knowing that we were heading to someplace warm I dutifully started exercising (I beat the New Year's resolution rush and started before Christmas). But, when the results did not approach model material on my schedule, I sat myself down and said, this has to be a life-change. The goal can't be to get in shape for a trip, it has to be to get in shape for life. The vacation is just bad timing. I figure I'll start to see some results sometime around mid-August. (heh) It was a little hard to get over the fact that I actually gained weight, but I consoled myself with the fact that my jeans didn't force extra blub over the waistline as they had been. Yah, I know, muscle is heavier than fat. I have a lot of muscle I guess. See, just breathe. It's all good.
With that philosophy, maybe this year will be the year I slow down the transition of brown to grey that has been progressing rapidly lately. It seems only yesterday (actually it was about 10 years ago) that I noticed I'd started to grow white eyebrows. Let's just say, philosophy aside, I pluck those suckers as soon as I see them.
Hubby and I have booked our vacation; we are leaving for Cuba on Valentines Day (coincidence) and will be back in Canada on February 22. Lina is counting the days. Last year when we went to the Dominican, we left her with my Mom. We regretted that before the first day was done. We kept saying, "I wish Lina could see that!" or "Lina would love that!". It was a good swift kick in the family keester to have both of us realize and joyfully accept the fact that we love to experience things as a family. And that it gives both of us so much joy to see the world through Lina's eyes. We resolved that we wouldn't leave Lina home again. I am so thankful that both of us feel strongly about that. I would be saddened if it was only one sided and one of us wanted time alone as a couple and the other wanted family time. People kept telling us we needed "us" time because we do everything as a family, well poo on them, we can take a day here and there when we need it, but we do things as a family because it gives us all great joy!
Well my tea is cold, Lina has finished her cereal and I need to get going on work. Lina and I have been reading The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis and we have only one chapter left, It's payday today and I told Lina if we go into town today we'll pick up The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I am so happy she has been enjoying the book, we took her to see the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe during the holidays and I was worried a bit. I wanted to read the books to her first because reading books is soooo much better.
I have resolved to attack a little more of my craftroom today, if I get a good amount of “work work” done first.
Here's an idea of what I am up against.
OK so here is my current bead shelf with some of my beads on it, organized by colour usually. I have quite a bit more to find and put up.

And here is some of my reference material. It used to be much fuller but, see those binders on the bottom shelf? They are full of cut up pages from magazines in page protectors. they are one of my favourite things, concentrated inspiration with no advertisements! They are even organized by topic, so at Christmas, I can open a Christmas binder and just devour page after page.

But look here, this is the sad state of the rest of the room right now. Here is the closet coverted into full shelves and it is chaos. I dumped alot of stuff in here so I could see my floor and put up shelves. My room is still useless and it will take me quite a while to get completely organized.

Unorganized closet chaos

Ouch, gotta go now.
Just breathe, it's all good.