Art Doll #2

Art Doll for typenik

Well, I completed my second art doll for Pequad's Nervousness Birthday Art doll LMAO. I tried making a canvas doll. It was very ethnic with india ink designs covering the front of it, but due to it's stiffness, I couldn't see that it would stuff or sew very well. I feel as though I am playing it safe with the beaded doll though. The first one was OK it was new, but now it seems that I am going to keep going with this trend. I guess the next LMAO I sign up for will have to be textile only. I do so want to learn to make a cloth art doll!
On another note, I was blog reading yesterday and thanks to Unfinished Projects I followed a link to busblog and read an article on how to blog.
Sorry to family and friends, if this blog disappears it will be because I took what this article said to heart and looked for my true inner voice.