Well, where do I begin?
So Lina tried something new this last weekend. She drag raced her bike at the King of The Hill drag races in North Bay. I really had my doubts about her going through with it but Friday night after waiting two hours in line to register, she got out for her first time trial and did wonderfully. She listened so well to instructions! Hubby put street tires (from a scooter) on her Honda 50 and explained in quite some detail what she had to do. Friday night she did an 1/8 of a mile in 23 seconds and reached about 29 miles and hour.
Lina and Hubby at the line setting up in front of the Christmas tree getting into the "box", Lina is on the red Honda in the red suit and blue helmet.
Here is Lina waiting in the staging lane. Her little friend she met there, JJ is on the blue Yamaha behind her.

Here's Hubby giving her some last minute advice and instructions.

So Saturday she made it to the quarter finals! Sunday she "broke out" (went faster than her dial-in time) and so didn't go on. By then she was down to a 17.2 second 1/8 of a mile and 35 miles per hour. If she was more confident with her gears, she could probably get it down a few seconds and believe it or not would be just a few seconds slower as some full size vehicles!
Hubby brought his bike up too, cause we were there anyway, and did very well, getting a third place in the superbike class.
After the day was done Sunday, Hubby took Lina up for a helicopter ride that was there on the grounds. All in all an exciting weekend for Lina.
And, she wants to do it again. I wonder when the next opportunity will be? I'm so proud of you Lina for trying something so different!

Lina and Hubby at the line setting up in front of the Christmas tree getting into the "box", Lina is on the red Honda in the red suit and blue helmet.
Here is Lina waiting in the staging lane. Her little friend she met there, JJ is on the blue Yamaha behind her.

Here's Hubby giving her some last minute advice and instructions.

So Saturday she made it to the quarter finals! Sunday she "broke out" (went faster than her dial-in time) and so didn't go on. By then she was down to a 17.2 second 1/8 of a mile and 35 miles per hour. If she was more confident with her gears, she could probably get it down a few seconds and believe it or not would be just a few seconds slower as some full size vehicles!
Hubby brought his bike up too, cause we were there anyway, and did very well, getting a third place in the superbike class.
After the day was done Sunday, Hubby took Lina up for a helicopter ride that was there on the grounds. All in all an exciting weekend for Lina.
And, she wants to do it again. I wonder when the next opportunity will be? I'm so proud of you Lina for trying something so different!