Illustration Friday - Surprise!
Surprise! A cat is about to pounce!

Oh where oh were has Riarug been. Lost that's where. My boss annouced about a month ago now that he has decided to leave our organization. We are a small organization and he is our General Manager. It's been a nerve racking experience for me and some of the other staff here, wondering who the Board will choose as the new General Manager. So, to prepare, I have been in a fury trying to complete as much outstanding work as possible so that I will be able to assist the new Manager in getting to know us and his new position - training the Manager in other words.
I've been doing little else. I am so busy at work that I have no free time to blog. I've even been working through my lunches! I have a tree up at home, but it remains undecorated. Lina and I have decided we are going to make most of the ornaments and the tree will only be decorated in white, silver and gold. I think I proposed the idea to her because in my heart I really want to buy a white tree, but it doesn't make financial sense to buy another right now.
We have been making a chain garland out of ribbon pieces from the dollar store. It looks somewhat like this one from Jenny of Sew Darn Cute! Except our if made from filmy, guazy ribbons. I have also been making white snowflakes from pipecleaners like those Martha Stewart ones (you can see them in the background of the pictue on this page).
Tomorrow when it is light, I'll go down into our shed and bring up the boxes of ornaments and Lina and I will go through them and pick out the gold, silver and white ones. And today at lunch I am going to the dollar store to pick through the ribbons so we can finish our garland. Lina is loving working with the glue gun. This is her first time using one and the ease of which she can glue things has set her crafty heart on fire. Last night, after Brownies, we made pompom animals. Since her birthday theme was Madagascar, we made little zebras and tigers from a kit and put thank you tags on theme so she could give them out to her friends as thank you notes.
Speaking of her birthday, that is probably a BIG reason why I am so tired. We had 4 little girls sleep over (7 year olds) last Saturday and at 4 in the morning one of the little girls came down with the stomach flu... bad. At first I thought it was just the excitement from the night before and the cake and such or being in a strange house, she really didn't want to go home though. So I cleaned her up and her bed (there were 5 girls sleeping on two mattresses in Lina's room) puke was not a welcome sight. Believe it or not, neither the poor little girl nor I woke anyone else in the house (except my husband). Anyway, I figured out after the third time she threw up that something was amiss and instead of settling her down again, I sat with her in the living room while she watched Madagascar on Lina's portable DVD player. That was at 5:30 am-ish. At 6:30, I called her mom to come and get her. It broke the little girls heart - she REALLY wanted to stay and wake up with the girls and play. I was vindicated for my decision to call her mom when after I went to the bathroom to check on her I found that she also had diarreah. The poor thing. Her mommy arrived shortly after and we packed her up and got her snuggled in her mom's car. The other girls woke up just before she left and after they said good bye, I turned on them and loudly exclaimed - Bathroom! Wash hands, faces now! With soap! John was already up and busying himself with washing down doorknobs and walls and generally any surface that the girls could have touched. I shooed the girls out of Lina's room and pulled all of the top sheets and pillows and anything soiled that I might have missed and got it down into the laundry. I am happy to say no one other than the poor girls mommy got sick (yet). There is something to say about being quick with germ hunting when someone is sick in your house. Neither John nor I can afford to be ill right now.
Well, I'm off home. I have a splitting headache that just wont go away. Hopefully crafting will cure it!


Oh where oh were has Riarug been. Lost that's where. My boss annouced about a month ago now that he has decided to leave our organization. We are a small organization and he is our General Manager. It's been a nerve racking experience for me and some of the other staff here, wondering who the Board will choose as the new General Manager. So, to prepare, I have been in a fury trying to complete as much outstanding work as possible so that I will be able to assist the new Manager in getting to know us and his new position - training the Manager in other words.
I've been doing little else. I am so busy at work that I have no free time to blog. I've even been working through my lunches! I have a tree up at home, but it remains undecorated. Lina and I have decided we are going to make most of the ornaments and the tree will only be decorated in white, silver and gold. I think I proposed the idea to her because in my heart I really want to buy a white tree, but it doesn't make financial sense to buy another right now.
We have been making a chain garland out of ribbon pieces from the dollar store. It looks somewhat like this one from Jenny of Sew Darn Cute! Except our if made from filmy, guazy ribbons. I have also been making white snowflakes from pipecleaners like those Martha Stewart ones (you can see them in the background of the pictue on this page).
Tomorrow when it is light, I'll go down into our shed and bring up the boxes of ornaments and Lina and I will go through them and pick out the gold, silver and white ones. And today at lunch I am going to the dollar store to pick through the ribbons so we can finish our garland. Lina is loving working with the glue gun. This is her first time using one and the ease of which she can glue things has set her crafty heart on fire. Last night, after Brownies, we made pompom animals. Since her birthday theme was Madagascar, we made little zebras and tigers from a kit and put thank you tags on theme so she could give them out to her friends as thank you notes.
Speaking of her birthday, that is probably a BIG reason why I am so tired. We had 4 little girls sleep over (7 year olds) last Saturday and at 4 in the morning one of the little girls came down with the stomach flu... bad. At first I thought it was just the excitement from the night before and the cake and such or being in a strange house, she really didn't want to go home though. So I cleaned her up and her bed (there were 5 girls sleeping on two mattresses in Lina's room) puke was not a welcome sight. Believe it or not, neither the poor little girl nor I woke anyone else in the house (except my husband). Anyway, I figured out after the third time she threw up that something was amiss and instead of settling her down again, I sat with her in the living room while she watched Madagascar on Lina's portable DVD player. That was at 5:30 am-ish. At 6:30, I called her mom to come and get her. It broke the little girls heart - she REALLY wanted to stay and wake up with the girls and play. I was vindicated for my decision to call her mom when after I went to the bathroom to check on her I found that she also had diarreah. The poor thing. Her mommy arrived shortly after and we packed her up and got her snuggled in her mom's car. The other girls woke up just before she left and after they said good bye, I turned on them and loudly exclaimed - Bathroom! Wash hands, faces now! With soap! John was already up and busying himself with washing down doorknobs and walls and generally any surface that the girls could have touched. I shooed the girls out of Lina's room and pulled all of the top sheets and pillows and anything soiled that I might have missed and got it down into the laundry. I am happy to say no one other than the poor girls mommy got sick (yet). There is something to say about being quick with germ hunting when someone is sick in your house. Neither John nor I can afford to be ill right now.
Well, I'm off home. I have a splitting headache that just wont go away. Hopefully crafting will cure it!
nicely done!
U did a great job drawing and coloring the cat! :) And the expression on his face is amazing! :) Well done!
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