Rumaging around

The Raven

I love looking back at images of older drawings I have done. It serves to remind me that I can draw if I put my mind to it. I'm in a drawing funk right now. It goes in spurts and farts. I draw intensely for about 6 months or so and then I can't pick up a pencil for a long while. The ideas don't stop, but the will to draw seems to. But with the wonders of technology, I can look back and try to kick start myself again.
The last spurt was pencil crayon. The time before was strictly HB pencil. And then there was the pen and ink period. Before that I was into acrylic. Now what?
OOOOOH! This looks really cold too!
That's beautiful. You could try water colours next...
I know, I should try water colours. I'd have to let go of my control issues though. Water colours fascinate me and scare me at the same time. hmmmmmm.
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