I am amazed. See, I had spoken outloud about how I thought the GS500 was too small for me. Hubby had looked through the Bike Trader and Triad (used item publications) and started looking for a another bike for me. The GS is a loaner. He had mentioned in passing that if I could ride a Hurricane 600 then he and Jody could modify it for racing vintage in the P4 class (allows up to the year 1985). I though that would be the best idea - the most pratical in ultimately an unpractical pursuit. Hubby told me he wouldn't consider buying me that bike unless I could drive his.
I have been feeling a little brave (or is it daring) and mentioned to him this week that I thought I might be confident enough to do it. Yesterday, while Lina was away at a friends, we went to the Waltonian Inn, a regular occurance for us in the summer, Three of us were on our bike weeding our way through the various vehicles in our driveway when Hubby yells to me and asks me if I'd like to try his bike. I stared at him (and the bike) over my shoulder. Dean, our friend, was watching. I wondered at this point if my daring statements before were just bravado. I hesitatingly got off my bike and onto his. Crap, I was almost tippy toeing it. The bike is so well cared for, it's intimidating even to look at it. Hubby even polishes the sprocket. But, I'll tell ya, when I got it out onto the highway and realized that I was doing 50 km over the speed limit and I was only in third gear, I started to grin. I didn't wipe the smile off my face until half hour after we were eating wings. In fact I have a goofy grin while I type this, 12 hours later. I even thoroughly enjoyed taking the corners, something that intimidated me on the GS.
What a goofy mixed up scene this is. I am not one of those crazy dudes that pull 2 km wheelies doing 240 km/h down the highway. But, strange ideas were welling up in my head as I drove down the highway on the 954, things like, "hmmmm, I wonder.... How DOES one DO a wheelie anyway? I wonder.... What would Hubby say if I did one? What am I thinking? I must be crazy! But, I really like the way this feels. Speed's not so bad if I am in control.... STOP! You are not acting like your normal, practical, responsible MOTHER self. Hmmmm.... I wonder how I look on this thing.
Boy, you can find out a lot of things you never knew about yourself when you are thrown into a situation where once you thought "I wish I could do that" but would never even consider pursuing it yourself and then the opportunity arrives and you actually are "stupid" enough to just go for it.

Honda 954
This is what I rode. wow.
I have been feeling a little brave (or is it daring) and mentioned to him this week that I thought I might be confident enough to do it. Yesterday, while Lina was away at a friends, we went to the Waltonian Inn, a regular occurance for us in the summer, Three of us were on our bike weeding our way through the various vehicles in our driveway when Hubby yells to me and asks me if I'd like to try his bike. I stared at him (and the bike) over my shoulder. Dean, our friend, was watching. I wondered at this point if my daring statements before were just bravado. I hesitatingly got off my bike and onto his. Crap, I was almost tippy toeing it. The bike is so well cared for, it's intimidating even to look at it. Hubby even polishes the sprocket. But, I'll tell ya, when I got it out onto the highway and realized that I was doing 50 km over the speed limit and I was only in third gear, I started to grin. I didn't wipe the smile off my face until half hour after we were eating wings. In fact I have a goofy grin while I type this, 12 hours later. I even thoroughly enjoyed taking the corners, something that intimidated me on the GS.
What a goofy mixed up scene this is. I am not one of those crazy dudes that pull 2 km wheelies doing 240 km/h down the highway. But, strange ideas were welling up in my head as I drove down the highway on the 954, things like, "hmmmm, I wonder.... How DOES one DO a wheelie anyway? I wonder.... What would Hubby say if I did one? What am I thinking? I must be crazy! But, I really like the way this feels. Speed's not so bad if I am in control.... STOP! You are not acting like your normal, practical, responsible MOTHER self. Hmmmm.... I wonder how I look on this thing.
Boy, you can find out a lot of things you never knew about yourself when you are thrown into a situation where once you thought "I wish I could do that" but would never even consider pursuing it yourself and then the opportunity arrives and you actually are "stupid" enough to just go for it.

Honda 954

This is what I rode. wow.
hey cynthia! hope you had a blast.... sounds like you did! don't you love "showing -up" those guys who think they know it all about bikes?! please don't be one of "those people" who do wheelies. it's very dangerous and just showing off! i'd rather enjoy the drive and just be happy! have fun!!!
Nope, I am too much of a wimp (and goody two shoes) for that - no worries, I just enjoyed the comfort level I felt on the ride.
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