Knitter's Roll Up
After I had helped Lina finish her homework, made dinner, cleaned up and got her settled watching TV (which lasted exactly as long as it took for me to pull out the sewing machine and then she was up at the dining room table wanting to make something too!), I spread all of the back tack fabric out on the table and stared at it. I had printed out yesterday's inspiration samples but it didn't make the job any easier. Anyway, I did manage to use 3 of the fabrics together and made a cover for the knitting needle case that is about 16 inces square. It's a start. Now I have to figure out what to do with it.

I quite like how it looks when it is folded in random ways, I can start to imagine how it might look when it is completed. Now I need to decide on which side will be the front side and then figure out whether to quilt it and/or do surface embellishment. But, it is starting to develop its own character. I never quite plan anything out when I make it. I just have a generally idea of what it could be and then I start. Most often the end product looks very little like what I imagine it would when I started.

Well this is the "big" part of what I'll be sending to my back tack pal, so I guess after this is complete, it is a downhill run from here.

I quite like how it looks when it is folded in random ways, I can start to imagine how it might look when it is completed. Now I need to decide on which side will be the front side and then figure out whether to quilt it and/or do surface embellishment. But, it is starting to develop its own character. I never quite plan anything out when I make it. I just have a generally idea of what it could be and then I start. Most often the end product looks very little like what I imagine it would when I started.

Well this is the "big" part of what I'll be sending to my back tack pal, so I guess after this is complete, it is a downhill run from here.
hi there ria! i like what you did. it's inspiring to see other's work. i hope i can do justice to the items you sent me. ^_^
Woo Hoo!!!! Well, hot darned... I be knocked over with a sewing machine hee,hee! GRiN I love it, love it , love it. So like when do I get it and my pin cushion? Where do you get off thinking you have inspiration block? I don't get it your work is splendid it is oozing out of you. Hmm, surface embellishments sound great. I agree totally with you when I start a project it never turns out how my initial inspiration idea was tumbling around in my head . So what did you think of my needle roll?
Where do I get off, re: the inspirarion block? Well, I don't expect to able to creat every day, but when day after day, I can't find my muse and I need to complete projects that need to get out - because there is a deadline, either perceived or promised, then I get very upset at myself. I can't seem to work on something unless it resonates with me and sometimes, I just can't get it going. That's my block. And when eveything is goind smoothly, I seem to be inspired by what I create, as if it wasn't me that did it. I can sit and stare at something and think, wow. The real test is walking away from something at night and the waking up and viewing it "in a whole new light" if it passes that test I am usually satisfied.
So when do you get your pincushion? Well (hee hee) I think I could make another of those, however the knitting roll my be a little hard to promise. But maybe I could muster up something else for you.
Now your needle roll...I love how it is put together. I trust it. Strange thing to say but it looks like you could actually use it. Mine is looking a little flimsy with it's one layer so far. I also adore the fabrics. I am such a prude. I mean I play it safe - pretty much all the time. So I love the boisterousness and happiness of your roll. And felt flowers are so much in vogue right now too. Yep. I would love to get your creationin my mailbox!
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