Flower Pins
So, re: the previous post, here are the beginnings of the flowers which will be given to the girls receiving their Canada Cord. In honour of the Canadian Flag, I made the flowers an almost red pink and the ribbon that I tie them with will be white velvet.

Flower Pins
The white beads strung on the wire still will be for the Laby Baden-Powell pins and will have either blue velvet or gold velvet ribbons.

Flower Pins

The white beads strung on the wire still will be for the Laby Baden-Powell pins and will have either blue velvet or gold velvet ribbons.
Hiya Ria! Wow! These are going to be so beautiful. All that beading must be an awful lot of work. You must have the patience of a saint. =)
They turned out not to bad. For 9 pins, I spent about 4.5 hours. Could have probably been less if I had a better idea of what I wanted to do from the beginning. I ended up having one flower and one bud on each to save time. That and the fact I wasn't sure the girls would wear something larger.
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