For the Love of Gardens LMAO

I am putting the finishing touches on this project. The picture details a little folder I made to hold the 16 note cards created in this project. It is a natural fiber paper and is quite pretty. It'll be closed and tied with a ribbon for mailing.
Everything is almost ready to go out. Progress this weekend was delayed because my husband and I received the bad news that our dog Theo our beloved pet and friend of 11 years was full of a rapidly progressing cancer (there was no sign of it in x-rays taken just last month). We had to put him to sleep on Friday. Yuk. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I held him when he died. We have another dog at home and he is adjusting to a lonely house. He has never been alone. Today is the first day with the humans gone for a full day. I wonder if he will have torn the house apart in his grief. It is hard to know if he realises if Theo is gone, but his demeaner has changed. He refuses to leave our side. He will be 10 years old this year.
We have friends who have known the dogs since they were pups. More than a few people can't understand why we are not getting another dog. No. We are not. Neither my husband nor myself feel at all compelled to fill this void. Neither one of us wish to subject Kramer (our other dog) to a snippity puppy. We are just going to take a deep breath, swallow down the sadness and deal with the new situation.
Kramer is getting much more attention as the sole dog than he did as part of a set. Now that we only have one dog, we are more apt to take him with us when we make day trips. Hopefully all the added attention will make the transition easier for him.
On a happier note, I finished my first Art Doll. It is a bead and wire affair. Not at all what I had envisioned when I signed up for this project . I have happily received 10 dolls so far. Only waiting on one. I'll get mine scanned in tomorrow and post it here.
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