Envelope Book

Envelope Book

Now that I am back in the swing of things, I have been creating.
This past weekend, I made 6 envelope books for my "For The Love of Gardens" LMAO for Nervousness.org. Each one is different, but each one contains the same elements. They are intended for holding stamps for Nervous LMAOs. They have 6 envelopes each. The covers were a surprise to me. I had purchased some wonderful fabric before Christmas that I intended to use to make the journals for the project. I found that they contained a little too much orange for my liking. I scrapped that idea and went with the mulburry paper shown in my Tuesday, January 04, 2005 post.
I am very happy to actually make use of this fabric as I really liked it when I saw it. I used my mother's sewing machine and pretty much radomly stitched items onto the cover with olive green thread using a zigzag stitch. Hurray for Cloth Paper Scissors, a really inspiring new magazine, for having such wonderful artist's work included in their magazine. I have a lot to learn. So much for swearing off magazine subscriptions. I might have to splurge.
I have some regrets already this year. Already it is February and I have done nothing to bring my dream of opening my business any closer. I have, however, started to nail down some of the products. It is still in my mind though. Not as far as I had hoped to be.
I also have some Nervousness projects to complete before I can really feel my time is my own. I will be done everything by the end of this month! - (that is me promising myself).
I also promise not to take anything new on. That means anything! (Except business ideas)
I have one set of cards, bookmarks and envelopes to complete before I can send out the Garden LMAO package. I am very happy with the package so far.
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