I survived!
Yep, I'm back which means I survived the sleepover with 11-5&6 year olds and 1-14 year old. No casualties and not one child went home during the night. At 2:12am (I looked at my cell phone) out came a cry in the darkness " iiiiiiiiii missssss my MOOOOMMMMMYYYYY! I got up quickly, not like I was sleeping or anything, and brought the girl back to lie near me so I could calm her down. I didn't suggest that I would call her mom, although I would have if she had suggested it. She calmed down. I told her what a great job she was doing and that I was proud of her. She fell asleep soon after and was perfectly happy in the morning. She even gave me a hug when she left. While explaining the nights events to her mom the next morning, her mom told me that her daughter still sleeps with her (is unable to make it through the night by herself) and that she was surprised that her daughter made it throught the night. Hmmm, information like that would have been nice before the sleepover so that we could have watched her for signs of difficulty during the night. Oh well all survived.
Hmmmm, a trick? No just survival. I signed up to be a Guide Leader for Sparks and this is an annual event. You just do what you have to do. Besides, from what I have read in your blog (read it a bit - obviously) you are pretty patient too!
just linked to your blog today from a comment you left at angry chicken. I had a good laugh at your sleepover story and the fact that the mom did not share the "tiny" (but important) piece of information with you. i like your writing style...i'll be back.
Can't promise my life will always be worth reading about, but you are welcome here.
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