A Family History Quilt?

1913 - Family postcard from my Great Great Grandparents to my Grandfather when he was 9 years old.

A new idea occured to me today. It had to do a lot, I think, with having browsed through Turtle Moon Quilting's website yesterday. I had bookmarked this site in the past but I ended up there once again following links here and there in a convoluted manner. It is really quite the inspiring website. And I also was drawn to the link to Jame's Accord's Leather as well. Two obviously talented people.
Anyway. I am in the lucky posession of a postcard album. I will scan the cover another time. It contains hundreds of postcards that represent communications between my great-great grandparent's generation down to my grandfathers generation. The amazing collection cronicles, in brief tidbits, the lives and times of my father's family. It provides a precious look back at the tradition of letter writing. It is also precious to me as Genealogy is a serious love of mine.
With the influence of Turtle Moon quilting, among the other sites I have visited lately, some of which are involved in back-tack, I suddenly remembered the postcard album and thought how amazing and reverent it would be to scan all of those cards in order of date and print them onto fabric and make the collection into a quilt in honour of the album. Could I actually accept that task? And complete it? I will think about that one for a few days. I don't quilt, so right there I know it would be non-tradtional.
Still, what a joy it would be to hang that quilt (it would be quite large considering the quantity of cards and that I would want both front and back showing) and be surrounding by all that history.
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